вторник, 24 июля 2012 г.

C. Hoare & Co. (Founded in 1672)

London, England
Before the modern system of numbering houses in the streets signs people used to find the right house. August Richard Chorus (Richard Hoare) chose to refer to sign bottles of gold since it was a symbol of wealth and abundance, this sign is often used by jewelers, who are known to have played an important role in shaping the modern banking system and the emergence of modern paper money.
This private banking institution has been very stable. The proof of serving and evacuation during the Second World War, and saving the building from the fire a few brave employees. Moreover, the bank is still family owned, and run it direct descendants of Sir Richard Hora.
C. Hoare & Co.
4. Halifax Bank of Scotland (founded in 1695 as The Bank of Scotland)
Edinburgh, Scotland
The concept of money and banknotes had been familiar to Scotland in the 17th century, but the Bank of Scotland was the first who began to print their own paper money. It is also unique in the sense that was created to assist commercial enterprises, while the Bank of England, created a year earlier, there was mainly to finance government spending on defense.
In 1727, the issue of banknotes in a bank there is a strong competitor in the person of Royal Bank of Scotland. But the "old" bank managed to survive the fight and remain the only commercial institution created by the Parliament of Scotland. In 2001 the merger of Bank of Scotland and Halifax Bank was created by Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS).
Halifax Bank of Scotland

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